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when it's summer in October

Anna Makarova

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simply chic by anna
simply chic by anna
simply chic by anna
simply chic by anna
simply chic by anna

Happy Fall Y'all...

except it doesn't even feel like fall! Here in Virginia daily temperatures for the last few weeks have been 80+ degrees! I am usually a fan of warm temperatures but by now I am ready for for fall weather and fall attire! However, fall is one of my favorite seasons so I am determined to find time in the midst of crazy life to enjoy fall festivities.

Today I would like to share some of the things on my fall to do list!

1. Decorate my apartment for fall!

2. Go pumpkin carving/ decorating with friends!

3. Go apple picking

4. Go on a hike to enjoy the beautiful colors of the fall

5. Go to a football game

6. Bake a pumpkin pie and make a pumpkin roll (my absolute favorite that I make each year around Thanksgiving time)

7. Drink hot apple cider

8. Make a list of what I am thankful for

9. Go through a corn maze

10. Stock up on fall-scented candles ( I have already started working on this one. Trader Joe's currently has the BEST vanilla-pumpkin scented candle that's only $3.99 and smells incredible!!)

11. Dress up for Halloween and give out candy on the Lawn (a tradition here at University of Virginia)

12. Make a Friends-giving dinner and Thanksgiving Dinner with the fam

13. Go on a run in a fall-crisp air (if it ever cools off!)

14. Go to a farmer's market

This is my list for now! What is something you look forward to doing this fall? Would love to hear from you guys!!

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